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Luciano Castelli

Painter, Draughtsman, Photographer, Object artist (male), Performance artist (male), Sculptor (male), Motion picture artist and Musician (male)

1951 in Lucerne


Born in Lucerne, Switzerland, in 1951. 1968-1969 study at Lucerne's school of applied arts under Max von Moos. 1969 to 1972 trained as a typeface designer. 1974 longer stay in Hollywood, California. 1977-1978 sojourn in Rome. From 1978 to 1989 lived in Berlin. 1979 co-founder (with Salomé) of the punk band Geile Tiere. 1989 moved to Paris. Since 2009 lives and works in Zurich.

Persons connected to Luciano Castelli

Groups and institutions Luciano Castelli belongs to