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Markus Lüpertz

Painter, Sculptor (male), Commercial artist (male), Draughtsman, Set designer (male) and College professor (male)

1941 in Liberec

12 Works by Markus Lüpertz

Works displaying Markus Lüpertz


1948 lives in Rheydt (Rhineland). 1956/61 studies at the Werkkunstschule, Krefeld, under Laurens Goosens. One semester at the Art Academy, Düsseldorf. 1962 moves to Berlin. 1964 opening of the gallery 'Grossgörschen 35' in Berlin. 1970 sojourn in Florence (Villa Romana Prize). 1974 guest professorship at the State Academy, Karlsruhe, from 1976 professor. 1982 'documenta 7', Kassel. 1983 summer academy, Salzburg. 1984 visits New York. From 1986 professorship at the Staatliche Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf.

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