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Jean Bloé Niestlé


1884 in Neuenburg
1942 in Antony

One Work by Jean Bloé Niestlé


1904 moves to Munich. Attends the M. Heymann art school. 1906 moves to Planegg, near Munich. Takes part in the 'Munich Secession'. Friendship with Franz Marc. 1908-1909 moves to Gauting. 1911 participates in the first show of the 'Blauer Reiter' in the Galerie Thannhauser, Munich. 1914 moves to Seeshaupt on Lake Starnberg, near Franz Marc. Lives very reclusively. Friendships with Paul Klee and Heinrich Campendonk. 1937 moves to Paris in November, and finally as a result of the war to Antony-sur-Seine. An illness leads to gradual paralysis.

Persons connected to Jean Bloé Niestlé