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Beat Streuli

Photographer, Video artist (male) and Installation artist (male)

1957 in Altdorf (Uri)

2 Works by Beat Streuli


The photographer, video artist and installation artist Beat Streuli was born in 1957 in Altdorf, Switzerland. From 1977 to 1983 he attended the design school in Basel, as well as Zurich’s academy, the Hochschule der Künste, and the school of the same name in Berlin. He has been drawn repeatedly to New York, which has become, in addition to other big cities, the metropolitan setting for a number of series of photographs and films. In his work he lifts single, anonymous people out of the crowd of passers-by with a telephoto lens. What interests him are the unspectacular and the everyday. Streuli also works with slide projections and the medium of video. His first major exhibition was held in the Helmhaus Zurich, and other solo shows followed, as in the Tate Gallery London (1997) and the Palais de Tokyo Paris (2002). Beat Streuli regularly serves as a guest lecturer at Zurich’s academy. He lives and works in Zurich.