A Doctor Examining a Urine Specimen in his Study, style of David Teniers the Younger
David Teniers the Younger
A Doctor Examining a Urine Specimen in his Study
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David Teniers d. J.: Der Arzt, 1640 (?), Öl auf Leinwand, Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Inv. Nr. 194


Anonym, Technik und Maße unbekannt, London, Privatbesitz C. Zilva

Pieter Steenwijck, Holz, 44,5 x 53,5 cm, Frankfurt a. M., Generalkonsul R.

Anonym, Leinwand, 31 x 36 cm, Verst. Brüssel (Nackers) 20. April 1966 (als David Teniers d. J.)

style ofDavid Teniers the Younger

A Doctor Examining a Urine Specimen in his Study, ca. 1640 – 1650

48.7 x 65.8 x max. 0.5 cm
minimum depth
0.7 cm
Physical Description
Oil on oak wood, reverse original, beveled irregularly on all sides
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1892 in exchange for seven paintings of the Passion by Hans Holbein the Elder
Not on display

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