Aeneas in the underworld, Antoine Coypel
Antoine Coypel
Aeneas in the underworld
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Noël, Noël-Nicolas, Antoine oder Charles-Antoine Coypel (zugeschrieben): Enée descendant aux Enfers, Rötel auf Papier, 215 x 336 mm. Inv. Nr. RF 12349, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Cabinet des dessins, Paris


Antoine Coypel: Descente d'Enée aux Enfers, ca. 1716-1717. Inv. Nr. 3546, Musée du Louvre, Paris

Antoine Coypel

Aeneas in the underworld, ca. 1716 – 1717

189 x 336 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
1088 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

Antoine Coypel was an influential and successful painter who directed the Paris academy from 1714 to 1722. He is thought to have been one of Watteau’s promoters. This sheet, however, stands for the academic conception of drawing entirely contrary to Watteau’s: as preparation for painting in a series of individual, precisely controlled steps, from initial ideas to compositional and figural studies to a final preliminary drawing – like this one – after which the painting was executed.

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