Ansicht des Canal Grande mit dem Palazzo Falier, dem Palazzo Guistinian-Lolin und dem Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo, nach Antonio Canal, Antonio Visentini, after Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)
Antonio Visentini, Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)
Ansicht des Canal Grande mit dem Palazzo Falier, dem Palazzo Guistinian-Lolin und dem Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo, nach Antonio Canal
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Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal): Ansicht des Canal Grande mit dem Palazzo Falier, dem Palazzo Giustinian-Lolin und dem Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo. Privatbesitz, London

Antonio Visentini
nachCanaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)

Ansicht des Canal Grande mit dem Palazzo Falier, dem Palazzo Guistinian-Lolin und dem Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo, nach Antonio Canal, ca. 1725 – 1742

min. 281 x 439 mm
maximum height
283 mm
259 x 422 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
4018 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Executed in the manner of a printed graphic with parallel and cross-hatching, the drawing depicts a view of the Canal Grande in a south-easterly direction. It is the copy of a painting by Canaletto in a private London collection. On commission by the consul Joseph Smith, Visentini produced engravings after the Canaletto veduti in the consul’s possession. They were carried out over a lengthy period of fifteen years ending in 1742. This drawing served as preparation for an engraving which was never actually executed.

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