Apotheose der heiligen Dominikaner, Gaspare Diziani
Gaspare Diziani
Apotheose der heiligen Dominikaner
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Gaspare Diziani: Apotheose der hll. Dominikaner, 1751, Gewölbefresko. S. Bartolomeo, Bergamo

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Gaspare Diziani: Apotheose der hll. Dominikaner (Bozzetto), ca. 1751, Öl auf Leinwand. Privatbesitz, ehemals Sotheby's, London (Versteigerung am 7. Dezember 1988, A Collection of Paintings and Drawings by Carlo Carlone and his Contemporaries formed by Professor and Mrs. Joseph Matzker, Los 7)

Gaspare Diziani: La Trinità e santi domenicani in gloria (Bozzetto), ca. 1751, Öl auf Leinwand, 64 x 42 cm. Inv. Nr. 58AC00150, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo

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Gaspare Diziani: Apotheose der hll. Dominikaner, ca. 1751, Zeichnung. Inv. Nr. 5573, Museo Correr, Venedig

Gaspare Diziani

Apotheose der heiligen Dominikaner, ca. 1750

max. 395 x max. 575 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
13159 Z
Acquired in 1907
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department

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