Rogier van der Weyden: Johannesaltar, um 1455, Mischtechnik auf Eichenholz, 3 Tafeln je 78,7 x 49,2 cm, Inv.-Nr. 534B, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Gemäldegalerie
Von Gottvater ausgehende Inschrift: Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo michi bene co[m]placui ipsum audite (Mt 17,5; die letzten drei Worte verputzt, aber auf Grundlage des Vorbilds rekonstruierbar)
73C221'command these stones to become loaves of bread' ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness
73C222'throw yourself down' (from the temple) ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness
73C223'all these will I give you' (= the glory of the world) ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness
11H(PETER)9the apostle Peter, first bishop of Rome; possible attributes: book, cock, (upturned) cross, (triple) crozier, fish, key, scroll, ship, tiara - portrait of male saint
11H(ANDREW)9the apostle Andrew; possible attributes: book, X-shaped cross, fish, fishing-net, rope, scroll - portrait of male saint
11H(JAMES THE GREAT)9the apostle James the Great; possible attributes: book, pilgrim's cloak, hat, shell, staff, and wallet, scroll, sword - portrait of male saint
11H(JOHN)9the apostle John the Evangelist; possible attributes: book, cauldron, chalice with snake, eagle, palm, scroll - portrait of male saint