Bishop healing a sick person, Pietro Paolo Baldini;   attributed
Pietro Paolo Baldini
Bishop healing a sick person
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Pietro Paolo Baldini attributed

Bishop healing a sick person

253 x 302 mm
Physical Description
Pen in brown, brush in brown, black and grey, washed in brown, heightened in white with brush, traces of red chalk, over traces of a preliminary drawing in black chalk, on brown-prepared laid paper
Inventory Number
Object Number
14318 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Like those gathered in the scene depicted here, we witness the working of a miracle. With rapt amazement, the bystanders look on as a bishop grips the arm of a man lying on the ground and helps him up. The composition bears reference to a painting by Cortona’s pupil Ciro Ferri in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. That circumstance, in turn, aids us in interpreting the subject matter: Legend has it that Saint Zenobius, the first bishop of Florence, restored a youth to life.

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