Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
Naum Gabo
Constructed Head no. 1
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  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
  • Constructed Head no. 1, Naum Gabo
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Naum Gabo: Studie zu "Kopf Nr. 1", Kreide auf Papier, 1915, Collection Graham Williams

Naum Gabo

Constructed Head no. 1, 1915

53.5 x 45 x 34.5 cm
Physical Description
Three-layered plywood
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1996
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 13


About the Work

A sculpture without mass? Gabo's idea of allowing volume to be created purely by intersecting areas suspended a centuries-old tradition. When the First World War broke out, the Russian Constructivist sought refuge in Kristiania, present-day Oslo, where, with this female bust, he created the pioneering construction principle for his later work. Gabo understood depth as the only form of space. Light and shade should not simply stay on the surface, but penetrate the interior and become part of the sculpture. After Gabo's death in 1977 the 'Constructive Head No. 1' was found in his studio, wrapped in newspaper.

Audio & Video

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Gastkommentar: Elementarteilchen in der Kunst mit Mikrobiologe Tobias J. Erb
Was sieht ein Mikrobiologe in den Werken der Städel Sammlung? In diesem Gastkommentar eröffnet Tobias J. Erb (Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Terrestrische Mikrobiologie) seine individuelle Sichtweise auf die Kunstwerke im Städel Museum. Er schaut sich Henri Edmond Cross‘ "Nachmittag im Garten" (1904–1905), Naum Gabos "Konstruktiver Kopf Nr. 1" (1915) sowie Max Ernsts "Natur im Morgenlicht (La nature à l’aurore)" (1936) an und untersucht die Elementarteilchen in der Kunst. Mehr Infos unter: Die Werke in unserer Digitalen Sammlung Henri Edmond Cross, Nachmittag im Garten (1904–1905): Naum Gabo, Konstruktiver Kopf Nr. 1 (1915): Max Ernst, Natur im Morgenlicht (La nature à l’aurore) (1936):

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