Demogorgon in the Cave of Eternity, from the Series 'Demogorgon and the Deities', Hendrick Goltzius
Hendrick Goltzius
Demogorgon in the Cave of Eternity, from the Series 'Demogorgon and the Deities'
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Hendrick Goltzius

Demogorgon in the Cave of Eternity, from the Series 'Demogorgon and the Deities', ca. 1588 – 1590

Blatt (oval)
max. 362 x max. 274 mm
Holzstock (oval)
max. 351 x max. 263 mm
Einfassungslinie (oval)
max. 348 x max. 260 mm
Physical Description
Chiaroscuro woodcut
Inventory Number
Object Number
3971 D
Ancient holdings (Collections J. F. Städel or J. G. Grambs)
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

It is not entirely certain whether Demogorgon served as the title page of the series "Demogorgon and the Deities" (Obj. Nos. 3965 D – 3971 D). The oval format and identical size seem to suggest this conclusion despite the strong stylistic differences. Almost in the manner of an engraving, the block for the lines printed in black was also used to shade the background areas. Demogorgon directs the stars as a many-breasted Mother Nature sits in a bubble from which she sprays plants and animals onto Earth. The snake biting its tail is an allusion to eternity; the clocks signify the transience of the world.

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