Verso Marke des Kunsthändlers Guillaume-Jean Constantin, Paris (Lugt 3000) mit eingestempelter Nummer 24, bezeichnet in der Kartusche: Laurent de Lahire / Cabt Collet et joubert; Stempel des Städelschen Kunstinstituts, Frankfurt am Main (Lugt 2356), mit zugehöriger Inventarnummer
11H(FRANCIS)founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi; possible attributes: book, crucifix, lily, skull, stigmata
11H(FRANCIS)33St. Francis of Assisi rejects his earthly heritage; standing before the bishop he gives his fine clothes to his father; the bishop covers Francis with his cloak
25H119(+1)cave, grotto (+ landscape with figures, staffage)