Dessau: Duplex House in the Bauhaus Masters' Residential Estate, Lucia Moholy
Lucia Moholy
Dessau: Duplex House in the Bauhaus Masters' Residential Estate
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Lucia Moholy

Dessau: Duplex House in the Bauhaus Masters' Residential Estate, 1926

8 x 13.2 cm
9 x 14 cm
30 x 40 cm
Physical Description
Silver Gelatin Print mounted on postcard stock
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2013 with support from the Kulturstiftung der Länder and the Hessischer Kulturstiftung, joint property with the Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
Not on display


About the Work

Lucia Moholy was a trained photographer. On commission from Walter Gropius, she photographed the products of the various Bauhaus workshops, and in 1925/26 documented the newly constructed Bauhaus Residential Estate in Dessau. She set up a photo workshop for herself in the Master House she lived in with her husband László Moholy-Nagy in the estate. Her architectural views were printed in newspapers for advertising purposes and marketed as postcards. Until 1926, she edited the series of Bauhaus Books put out by László Moholy-Nagy and Walter Gropius. With her husband she also worked on experimental photography projects and co-authored texts on photographic theory.

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