Dragon and Lion, Hans Thoma, after Leonardo da Vinci
Hans Thoma, Leonardo da Vinci
Dragon and Lion
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Zoan Andrea nach Leonardo da Vinci: A lion being attacked by a dragon, ca. 1490-1507, Kupferstich, 170 x 240 mm. Inv. Nr. 1845,0825.676, British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings, London (Bartsch XIII.306.20; Hind V.65.7)

Leonardo da Vinci (Kopie nach?): Lotta tra un drago e un leone e vari schizzi di Madonna col Bambino / Kampf zwischen einem Drachen und einem Löwen sowie verschiedene Skizzen einer Madonna mit Kind, Feder in Schwarz und Braun, braun laviert, auf gelbem Papier, 188 x 273 mm. Inv. Nr. 435 E, Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi, Florenz

253 x 305 mm
199 x 248 mm
Physical Description
Drypoint and watercolour on wove paper
Inventory Number
SG 2037
Object Number
SG 2037 Z
Acquired in 1938, Hans Thoma Collection of Otto Eiser-Eduard Kücher
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department

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