Flute-playing cupid and Silenus in an arcadian landscape, Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci
Flute-playing cupid and Silenus in an arcadian landscape
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Annibale Carracci

Flute-playing cupid and Silenus in an arcadian landscape, ca. 1597 – 1600

108 x 236 mm
Physical Description
Pen in brown over traces of a preliminary drawing in red chalk, washed in brown
Inventory Number
Object Number
462 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Annibale manages to convey the light effects of midday sun and cooling shade with no more than a few strokes of the pen. He has created an almost dreamlike atmosphere that transports us into a faraway rural idyll. Whereas the cupid is immersed in the reverie of his own panpipe performance, the mythical creature opposite him (Silenus) has hung his instrument on the branch of a tree and appears to be listening.

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