Homeguard Soldier Ernst Pflanz, Max Beckmann
Max Beckmann
Homeguard Soldier Ernst Pflanz
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Max Beckmann: Wandbild in Wervik, 1915, Leimfarbe auf Ziegelstein, 300 x 430 cm. zerstört

Max Beckmann

Homeguard Soldier Ernst Pflanz, 1915

365 x 253 mm
Physical Description
Pencil, partially erased, on calendared wove paper
Inventory Number
SG 615
Object Number
SG 615 Z
Acquired in 1918 from the artist
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

During World War I, Beckmann’s style changed decisively. He now strove for a reduced mode of expression, objective but nevertheless vibrant. Drawing helped him limit himself to the essentials. Beckmann’s gradually transforming approach is evident in his portrait of a soldier: the motif fills the pictorial space; the lines are harder and more angular than in his previous drawing style. Round and pointed forms merge, and the individual stroke remains prominent even in the hatched zones.

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