House with Onion Tower (Fragment), Walter Dexel
Walter Dexel
House with Onion Tower (Fragment)
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Walter Dexel

House with Onion Tower (Fragment), 1917

43 x 36.4 cm
Physical Description
Oil on cardboard
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2015 with funds provided by the Werner Wirthle bequest
Not on display


About the Work

The original backing board of ‘Painting on Glass II’ features another work by the artist. It came to light during a condition check of the reverse glass painting at the conservation studio. Signed and dated by Dexel lower left, the work is a fragment of ‘House with Onion Tower’, which dates to his early work phase and had until then been considered lost. On the left and lower side of the cardboard, the original edge of the painting is visible, alongside traces of a former, separate framing. The upper and right sides were later trimmed to fit the format of the glass painting and converted into a backing board by the artist.

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