Interior with Painter, Woman Reading and Maid Sweeping, Pieter Janssens
Pieter Janssens
Interior with Painter, Woman Reading and Maid Sweeping
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Pieter Janssens

Interior with Painter, Woman Reading and Maid Sweeping, ca. 1665 – 1670

82 x 99 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1874
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 7


About the Work

A quiet interior: a maid sweeps the floor while the lady of the house sits at a table, perhaps immersed in a songbook. Her elegantly dressed husband stands in the adjacent room, a palette in his right hand. The latter figure may be a self-portrait of the painter Pieter Janssens Elinga, who is known to have been left-handed. His chief concern in this work, however, was the interplay of light and shade, the reflections, perspectives and outlooks – even at the cost of a truthful depiction: geometrically laid marble floors were rare in bourgeois households in Holland.

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