Jacob and Rachel at the Well, Charles Natoire
Charles Natoire
Jacob and Rachel at the Well
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Charles Natoire: Jacob et Rachel qui font boire les troupeaux / Jacob und Rachel am Brunnen, 1732, Öl auf Leinwand, 100 x 142 cm. Privatsammlung, Los Angeles (Caviglia-Brunel 2012.P.23)

Charles Natoire

Jacob and Rachel at the Well, ca. 1732

206 x 346 mm
Physical Description
Schwarze und weiße Kreide, braun laviert auf blauem Bütten
Inventory Number
Object Number
1287 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

The elegant chalk drawing on blue paper was certainly appreciated as a drawing in itself, but initially it served as a sketch (submitted to the client) for a painting which, together with other pieces, was created for the decoration of a Parisian noble palace. Jacob, who had fled from his brother Esau, meets the beautiful Rachel at a well in a foreign country and instantly falls in love with her. The situation's emotiveness is underlined by the composition's pastoral character. A similar, albeit later drawing by the artist is obj. no. 1286 Z.

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