Joust of Two Wild Men on Horseback, Israhel van Meckenem the Younger, after Master of the Housebook
Israhel van Meckenem the Younger, Master of the Housebook
Joust of Two Wild Men on Horseback
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Hausbuchmeister, Kampf zweier Wilder Männer zu Pferd, Kaltnadelradierung, 125 × 192 mm (Blatt), Lehrs VIII, Nr. 56, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Inv. 3711

Israhel van Meckenem the Younger
nachMaster of the Housebook

Joust of Two Wild Men on Horseback, ca. 1480

145 x 220 mm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Object Number
58217 D
Acquired in 1889
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

Here Israhel van Meckenem copied an imaginative drypoint etching by the Master of the Housebook. The “wild people” were fanciful woodland creatures who, covered with fur and endowed with mighty strength, lived close to nature in a counterworld to human civilization. These wild men wear “armour” made of curly leaves, the helmets moreover adorned with radishes and garlic. They parody the knights’ tournaments staged in the fifteenth century as courtly festivals.

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