King David Receiving the Cistern Water of Bethlehem, Master of the von Groote Adoration
Master of the von Groote Adoration
King David Receiving the Cistern Water of Bethlehem
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Master of the von Groote Adoration

King David Receiving the Cistern Water of Bethlehem, 1516 – 1519

max. 99.5 x 42.2 cm
minimum height
91.8 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on oak
Inventory Number
Object Number
Acquired in 2008 as donation of Dagmar Westberg
Not on display


About the Acquisition

Descended from a Baltic-Hamburg entrepreneurial family, Dagmar Westberg lived in Frankfurt am Main since the end of the war. Her great uncle Oskar Troplowitz, who led the Beiersdorf company to success, was already a great patron of the arts and bequeathed numerous pieces of art to the Kunsthalle Hamburg, including works by Renoir, Sisley, Picasso and Liebermann. Dagmar Westberg then continued this tradition and supported the Städel Museum for many years. The Dagmar Westberg Foundation, founded in 2000, has enabled important purchases for the Städel Prints and Drawings Collection to this day. In addition, it promotes art historical publications and activities, awards scholarships to young art historians and grants subsidies for restoration works at the Städel Art Institute. Even though especially our Prints and Drawings Collection benefits from the generous support of the Dagmar Westberg Foundation, the painting collections, however, have also been expanded in recent years with significant donations from this patron. In addition, the foundation enabled the research for and development of the exhibition “Titian and the Renaissance in Venice” (2019).


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  • Focus on art history
  • Focus on cultural history
  • Focus on religion

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