Landscape near Subiaco with a Waterfall and San Benedetto Monastery, Carl Philipp Fohr
Carl Philipp Fohr
Landscape near Subiaco with a Waterfall and San Benedetto Monastery
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Carl Philipp Fohr: San Benedetto bei Subiaco, im Vordergrund ein lesender Pilger, 1817, Aquarell und Feder, 310 x 295 mm. Ehemals Sammlung Sohn-Rethel, Düsseldorf, 1931 im Glaspalast in München verbrannt (Märker 2015.382.Z.464)

Carl Philipp Fohr

Landscape near Subiaco with a Waterfall and San Benedetto Monastery, 1817

398 x 478 mm
Physical Description
Grey ink and brush over pencil, grey washes, squared with pencil, on wove paper
Inventory Number
Object Number
247 Z
Acquired in 1843
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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