About the Acquisition
The pharmacist Eduard Parrot from Frankfurt-Bockenheim left 100,000 Marks for welfare institutions to the city of Frankfurt at his death in 1917. In addition to the support given to war survivors and war-affected persons, the Parrot legacy of 1917 was dedicated to the granting of training allowances by the Mitteldeutscher Kunstgewerbeverein, of which he had been a member for many years, and the Städelsche Kunstinstitut. One year after Parrot's death, this painting by Jacob Savery could be acquired from the art dealer Julius Böhler in Munich by means of his legacy. In 1917, Parrot bequeathed the two paintings "Sheep at the Watering Place" by Charles Jacque and "Landscape with Ruins" by Giovanni Paolo Panini directly to the Städel Museum.