Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Elizabeth, Giovanni Bellini;  and workshop
Giovanni Bellini
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Elizabeth
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Giovanni Bellini and workshop

Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Elizabeth, 1490 – 1500

72 x 90 x 0.9 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on poplar
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1833
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 16


About the Work

The Mother of God and the Christ Child are in the company of John the Baptist and his mother, Elizabeth. This devotional painting radiates quietude of a virtually sublime character. The pictorial type known as ‘sacra conversazione’ (sacred conversation) was extremely popular. Successful artists like Bellini produced several versions of it, combining figures based on standardised models. This explains why Elizabeth and John cannot see the Infant Jesus, but only Mary’s back. The painting undoubtedly owes its aura in good part to the brilliant blue produced from the precious lapis lazuli.

Audio & Video

  • Basic information
  • Focus on art history
  • Focus on material
  • Exhibition “Titian and the Renaissance in Venice” (2019)
Kunst|Stück – Giovanni Bellini: Madonna mit Kind, Johannes dem Täufer und der heiligen Elisabeth
Sammlungshighlights des Städel Museums in unterhaltsamen und informativen Filmen – das sind die Kunst|Stücke. Entdecken Sie spannende Details zu Kunstwerken aus ungewöhnlichen Blickwinkeln in unter zwei Minuten. Giovanni Bellini und Werkstatt: Madonna mit Kind, Johannes dem Täufer und der heiligen Elisabeth (1490-1500), Städel Museum Frankfurt.

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