Manifesto of the Brücke artists’ group (title vignette), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Manifesto of the Brücke artists’ group (title vignette)
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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Manifesto of the Brücke artists’ group (title vignette), 1906

Blatt (ganzer Bogen)
223 x 348 mm
74 x 41 mm
Physical Description
Woodcut on laid paper
Inventory Number
SG 3531
Object Number
SG 3531 D
Acquired in 1962
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

In 1906, Kirchner wrote the Brücke manifesto and cut it in wood. “Everyone who reproduces, directly and in unadulterated form, whatever he senses the urge to create, belongs to us”, it proclaims. Set in block-like manner in a slender vertical rectangle and angular capital letters, the text itself has become an artwork. Associations with the book art of the Middle Ages come to mind. The manifesto was sent out to the ‘passive’ members of the Brücke and laid out at exhibitions for visitors to take with them.

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