Meeresbucht (Südfrankreich), Henri Edmond Cross
Henri Edmond Cross
Meeresbucht (Südfrankreich)
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Henri Edmond Cross

Meeresbucht (Südfrankreich)

298 x 460 mm
215 x 372 mm
Physical Description
Aquarell über Bleistift auf Velin
Inventory Number
SG 377
Object Number
SG 377 Z
Acquired in 1911
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

The French artist Henri Edmond Cross was a leading proponent of what was known as Pointillism - a painting technique that developed out of Impressionism and in which the pictorial motif is built up using individual coloured dots. This watercolour shows a carefully thought-out colour composition and the inspiration that captures the bright light of southern France. Cross records the unusual atmosphere of the Mediterranean coast with broad brushstrokes and an arrhythmic yet harmonious distribution of related colours.

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