Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
Mother and Child
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  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
  • Mother and Child, Auguste Renoir, Ricard Guinó Boix
Related external works


Auguste Renoir: Maternité, 1885, Öl auf Leinwand, 92,0 x 72,0 cm, Inventarnummer RF 1998 35, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Auguste Renoir
Ricard Guinó Boix

Mother and Child, 1916

54 x 24 x 31 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1929/30
Not on display

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