Movie Scripts / Art: ...One must act quickly..., John Baldessari
John Baldessari
Movie Scripts / Art: ...One must act quickly...
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John Baldessari

Movie Scripts / Art: ...One must act quickly..., 2014

159.5 x 274.3 cm
Physical Description
Varnished inkjet print on canvas with acrylic paint
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2016 with means provided by Friedrich von Metzler and the Walter and Katharina Fabian-Foundation, property of Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 1 / 23 (hallway)


About the Work

How does the meaning of an existing picture change when it is combined with text? In his 'Movie Script/Art' series, John Baldessari examines the relationship between painting and photography and between image and language. For the 2015 exhibition 'The Städel Paintings', the artist chose striking details from paintings in the museum's collection - such as the one he took here from 'Little Garden of Paradise' by the Upper Rhenish Master. Baldessari's diptychs are completed by passages from Hollywood scripts which always contain references to the painting and thus inspire the development of an independent story. In addition, Baldessari continues ad absurdum the promise of painting that a third dimension can open up within the second dimension. He paints over extensive areas of the surface, such as the background, removing in the process the section's three-dimensionality. This prompts an exciting and multilayered give and take, calling into question both old and new art and breaking with established patterns of perception.

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Aus nächster Nähe: Restaurierung von Gemälden und Moderner Skulptur im Städel Museum
Dieser Film gibt einen exklusiven Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Restaurierungswerkstatt für Gemälde und moderne Skulpturen im Städel Museum. Hier geht es zum nächsten Film der Reihe "Aus nächster Nähe", der die Arbeit der Grafikrestaurierungswerkstatt im Städel vorstellt: Ebenfalls im Rahmen dieser Reihe ist der Film "Skulpturenrestaurierung in der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung " entstanden:

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