Orientale im Mantel, nach rechts gewandt, Gentile Bellini;  succession, Gentile Bellini
Gentile BelliniorGentile Bellini
Orientale im Mantel, nach rechts gewandt
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Gentile Bellini, A Turkish Janissary; seated on the ground almost in profile to right, ca. 1480, Feder in Braun auf Papier, 215 x 175 mm. London, British Museum, Department of prints and drawings, Pp,1.19

Gentile Bellini, A Turkish woman; seated on the ground, turned to left, ca. 1480, Feder in Braun auf Papier, 214 x 176 mm. London, British Museum, Department of prints and drawings, Pp,1.20

Gentile Bellini, Un oriental debout, de trois quarts à gauche, coiffé d'un turban, Feder in Braun auf Papier, 207 x 114 mm. Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Inv. Nr. 4653

Kopie nach Gentile Bellini, Femme drapée, en costume oriental, de face, Feder in Braun auf Papier, 257 x 176 mm. Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Inv. Nr. 4654

Kopie nach Gentile Bellini, Un Turc, debout, vu de face, Feder in Braun auf Papier, 301 x 204 mm. Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Inv. Nr. 4655

Gentile Bellini succession
orGentile Bellini

Orientale im Mantel, nach rechts gewandt, ca. 1470 – 1480

260 x 180 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
3956 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

The drawings Obj. Nos. 3956 Z und 3957 Z belong to a group of drawings showing figures in oriental garb, traceable back to a journey Gentile Bellini made to the court of Sultan Mohammed II in Constantinople. These two sheets were carried out by members of his workshop after his return. The aim of the depictions was to replicate the exotic figures as faithfully as possible. Rendered exclusively in pen and ink, the subjects are precisely outlined, the interior details executed with parallel and cross-hatching. Despite the interior modelling, however, they have an oddly rigid appearance and give the impression of having been copied.

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