Oskar Leifer’s Worldview, Max Beckmann
Max Beckmann
Oskar Leifer’s Worldview
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Max Beckmann

Oskar Leifer’s Worldview, 1920

135 x 215 mm
Physical Description
Pencil on thin, smooth wove paper, lined on both sides
Inventory Number
SG 2989
Object Number
SG 2989 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

Beckmann was in the habit of carrying a notebook, pad of paper or exercise book with him to record his everyday observations. Depending on the format – horizontal or vertical – demanded by the motif, the artist turned his sketchbook this way or that without regard for the printed lines. On four sheets dating from 1920 (Inv. No. SG 2981, SG 2982, SG 2983, SG 2989), he sketched scenes of funfairs and variety shows. He depicted the throng and the exaggerated gestures and facial expressions of the artists, boxers and spectators. In his own words, he was a “hunter of individualities” seeking to capture the “great orchestra of humanity”.

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