Portrait of Carl Justinian von Holzhausen (1750-1793), Anton Tischbein;   ?
Anton Tischbein
Portrait of Carl Justinian von Holzhausen (1750-1793)
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Anton Tischbein

Portrait of Carl Justinian von Holzhausen (1750-1793), ca. 1758 – 1759

124.5 x 830 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas, painted surface wrapped around the stretcher
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1923 as a bequest from Adolph von Holzhausen
Not on display


About the Work

This portrait, attributed to Johann Anton Tischbein, shows Carl Justinian von Holzhausen at the age of about ten, wearing a richly braided uniform, a short wig and – at his side – a sword. He is posing as a little general, thus visually embodying the hope that he will continue a family tradition that reaches back to the 16 th century. The architectural setting may also be read as an attribute: it conveys the ambience of a member of the ruling class, and the massive column, shown only in part, was an established motif in portraits of rulers.

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