Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
Helene Beckerath
Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein
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  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath
  • Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, Helene Beckerath

Helene Beckerath

Portrait of Ottilie W. Roederstein, 1929 – 1934

44.7 x 18.5 x 23.5 cm
23.5 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Ancient holdings, inventoried in 2005
On display, Special Exhibitions


About the Work

Helene von Beckerath went to Paris in 1898 and studied painting and sculpture there. From 1904 onwards she exhibited regularly at the Salon. In November 1921— after having lived at Krefeld for some time—she settled in Frankfurt. There she moved into a flat with the archaeologist Victoria von Lieres und Wilkau. Beckerath’s role model was Ottilie Roederstein, to whom she dedicated a bust in 1929. She moved confidently between the sculpture and painting mediums and received the critics’ praise for this cross-medial mode of working.

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