Roter Wimpel, Karl Otto Götz
Karl Otto Götz
Roter Wimpel
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Karl Otto Götz

Roter Wimpel, 1946

470 x 683 mm
491 x 696 mm
Physical Description
Tempera, scratched, on thin cardboard, mounted on cardboard
Inventory Number
Object Number
17108 Z
Acquired in 2011 as a gift from Margarethe and Klaus Posselt
Not on display


About the Work

In this work, Karl Otto Götz combined slightly distorted geometric forms with human-like figures striding somnambulistically through the pictorial space as on a stage. He immersed the body forms in dark green and purple, adding isolated accents in vivid yellow, orange and red. As he worked, he applied the paints so thickly that they virtually form a relief on the cardboard. In the background, on the other hand, he used a brush and scraper to spread out the bands of colour relatively thinly, thus bringing out the figures’ plasticity all the more distinctly. The brushstrokes and impressions made by the scraper are clearly discernible and testify to the artist’s growing interest in gestural expression.

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