Sketch for an enthroned Virgin and Child with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, Raphael
Sketch for an enthroned Virgin and Child with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
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Sketch for an enthroned Virgin and Child with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, ca. 1502 – 1504

233 x 154 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink over black pen and leadpoint (the vertical and horizontal middle axis as well as some lines of the throne drawn with a ruler, the arch at the top drawn with the compass), on ribbed laid paper, distance of chain lines (horizontal) |-|34|32|38|39|35|
Inventory Number
Object Number
376 Z
Not on display


About the Work

Among the great treasures of the Collection of Prints and Drawings at the Städel Museum are a group of drawings by Raphael, of which this pen-and-ink drawing is one. Raphael created it at the age of about twenty 20, when he was busy with the first altar paintings for clients from his home region of Umbria. Here, the Madonna sits enthroned and presents the Infant Jesus, who is blessing the viewer. Before the throne stands the youthful Nicholas of Tolentino, a saintly monk who lived in central Italy during the thirteenth century. He is identified as such by the star on his breast, which, according to legend, accompanied him.

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