Study of a fighter defending himself (copy after Raphael); sketch of a lunette, Raphael, Raphael;  workshop, Giovanni Francesco Penni;   ?, Perino del Vaga
Raphael, Raphael, Giovanni Francesco PenniorPerino del Vaga
Study of a fighter defending himself (copy after Raphael); sketch of a lunette
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Raffael (Schule): Studie eines sich schützenden Kämpfers, ca. 1515(?), schwarze Kreide auf Papier, 375 x 237 mm. Inv. Nr. D. 2301, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Besançon

Raphael workshop
Giovanni Francesco Penni
orPerino del Vaga

Study of a fighter defending himself (copy after Raphael); sketch of a lunette, after 1511 – 1512

371 x 216 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink and black pen on paper, distance of chain lines (vertical) |37|40|38|39|, traces of golden framing at the top edge from a previous mounting
Inventory Number
Object Number
381V Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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