Bezeichnet auf dem Schriftband Johannes d. T.: ECCE. AGNVS. DEI. ECCE QVI. TOLLIT. PECCATA. MVNDI. Bezeichnet auf dem Notenblatt: assumpta est Maria/in coelu[m] ga[...]et an/laudames [...] di cum
Die Legenda aurea des Jacobus de Voragine, übersetzt von Richard Benz, Heidelberg 1984, S. 583-609
73E77(+5)the assumption of Mary ('assumptio corporis'): she is borne into heaven by angels (+ donor(s), supplicant(s), whether or not with patron saint(s))
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff
11H(SEBASTIAN)the martyr Sebastian; possible attributes: arrow(s), bow, tree-trunk
11I3the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context)
61E(EPHESUS)names of cities and villages (EPHESUS)