The Entry of King Rudolf of Habsburg into Basel in 1273, Franz Pforr
Franz Pforr
The Entry of King Rudolf of Habsburg into Basel in 1273
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Franz Pforr

The Entry of King Rudolf of Habsburg into Basel in 1273, 1808 – 1810

90.5 x 118.9 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
HM 51
On permanent loan from Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main since 1922
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 1


About the Work

Intentionally clad in a plain grey garment and a black beret, Rudolf von Habsburg rides into the city of Basel with his opulent entourage. He had been elected emperor in Frankfurt a short while previously. In a rigorous, flat composition and with brilliant local colours, this is the Nazarene Pforr's idealised version of the Middle Ages, "where the dignity of man can still be seen in all its strength". Inspired by Old German and Italian Gothic and Early Renaissance art, Pforr dreamed of a patriotic form of painting which would help to revive the spirit of the German nation.

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