The Sacrifice of Abraham, Ottavio Vannini;   attributed
Ottavio Vannini
The Sacrifice of Abraham
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Ottavio Vannini attributed

The Sacrifice of Abraham

534 x 275 mm
Physical Description
Black and red chalk, squared in black chalk
Inventory Number
Object Number
3962 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Ottavio Vannini has depicted a highly dramatic situation. An angel appears in the nick of time to prevent Abraham from carrying out the divine command to sacrifice his son Isaac. The drawing exhibits a number of changes in the composition, for example the straightening of Abraham’s right arm. As a result, his two arms together form a clear diagonal extending from Isaac’s head to the angel and thus directly, thus directly linking the father’s readiness to make a sacrifice with the life-saving intervention.

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