The Wings of the Altenberg Altarpiece, Rhenish Master ca. 1330
Rhenish Master ca. 1330
The Wings of the Altenberg Altarpiece
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Kölner Meister: Madonna mit Kind, um 1320-1330, Mischtechnik auf Holz, 132 x 60 cm, Leihgabe aus Privatbesitz im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum, München, seit 2015 als Leihgabe im Städel Museum

Rhenish Master ca. 1330

The Wings of the Altenberg Altarpiece, ca. 1330

Left wing: Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi Right wing: St. Michael, Coronation of the Virgin, St. Elizabeth, Death of the Virgin

153.7 x 243.8 x 6.3 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on fir
Inventory Number
SG 358-361
Acquired in 1925
See Parts


About the Work

The wings of the retable from Altenberg, near Wetzlar, flanked a section featuring at its centre a sculpture of the Madonna, the convent’s main patron saint. It is to her that the Three Wise Men on the left wing are kneeling in adoration. The scenes from the life of the Virgin are joined by depictions of the archangel Michael and St Elizabeth of Thuringia, whose daughter Gertrude was the abbess at Altenberg for many years. The elegant two-dimensionality of the robed figures with their slender limbs is typical of the early fourteenth-century High Gothic style.


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