Triptych with Virgin and Child, Hugo van der Goes, Bruges (?) Master ca. 1485/90
Hugo van der Goes, Bruges (?) Master ca. 1485/90
Triptych with Virgin and Child
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This work consists of multiple parts

Hugo van der Goes
Bruges (?) Master ca. 1485/90

Triptych with Virgin and Child, ca. 1475 – 1480 (ca. 1485 – 1490)

23.8 x 17.4 x max. 1.2 cm
minimum depth
0.4 cm
Linker Flügel
30 x 11.6 x max. 1.7 cm
minimum depth
0.6 cm
Rechter Flügel
30.1 x 11.6 x max. 1.7 cm
minimum depth
0.6 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on oak
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1830
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 5


About the Work

Hugo van der Goes executed the central panel depicting the Virgin and Child in the late 1470s. Some ten years later, Willem van Overbeke and his wife commissioned an unknown artist to expand it into a small, winged altarpiece. The resulting double frame of the central section is a highly unusual feature. An influential member of the Burgundian administration in Mechlin, Van Overbeke had been admitted to the Bourbon dynastic order. This association is alluded to by the belts accompanying the two escutcheons and the motto ‘en esperance’ (‘in hope’).


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