Two Witches, Hans Baldung Grien
Hans Baldung Grien
Two Witches
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Hans Baldung Grien

Two Witches, 1523

65.4 x 46 x max. 0.5 cm
minimum depth
0.5 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on limewood
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1878
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 2


About the Work

These two nude women have entered a pact with the devil. To judge from their seductive poses, the witches are not in the least bothered by the threatening billows of smoke in the background. The dragon-like creature imprisoned in the bottle does not stand for Satan, as one might suspect, but symbolises quicksilver, which was used in medicinal ointments for treating syphilis, a disease rife in Europe since 1495. So what the witches are telling us is that he who fails to resist the provocative gaze of a woman runs the risk of being infected with the disease. The little Cupid surveys the calamity with alarm – aware of the role he has played in bringing it about.

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ASK AN ARTWORK – Fragen an die Kunst, Antworten aus dem Home Office: Hans Baldung Grien
Die Welt in Feuer und Flammen, und dann noch diese zwei provozierenden Hexen! Dieses Gemälde von Hans Baldung Grien aus dem Jahr 1523 erscheint uns auch 2020 noch gewagt. Was hat es damit auf sich? ASK AN ARTWORK! In der Serie ASK AN ARTWORK beantwortet die Kunsthistorikerin Anna Huber (Mitarbeiterin der Abteilung Bildung und Vermittlung) aus dem Home Office Fragen, die wir an die Kunst haben. Denn während der Coronakrise kommt das Städel zu Ihnen: #StaydelAtHome #HomeOffice Hans Baldung Grien "Zwei Hexen", 1523 in der Digitalen Sammlung: A world in smoke and flames - and two naked witches starring provocatively at us: this painting created by Hans Baldung Grien in 1523 still comes across as daring in 2020. What does this painting have to do with disease and scapegoats? Let's ASK AN ARTWORK! In the series ASK AN ARTWORK art historian Anna Huber (Educational Department of the Städel Museum) answers the questions that we have for art – from home office. Because during the Corona-Crisis, if you can’t come to the Städel Museum, then the Städel Museum will come to you: #StaydelAtHome Find Hans Baldung Grien's "Two Witches" in our Digital Collection:

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