Untitled (Records), Sigmar Polke
Sigmar Polke
Untitled (Records)
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Sigmar Polke

Untitled (Records), 1963

297 x 211 mm
Physical Description
Ballpoint pen and pencil on thin wove paper
Inventory Number
SG 3396
Object Number
SG 3396 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

Between 1961 and 1967, Sigmar Polke produced numerous watercolours as well as pencil and ballpoint pen drawings of simple, commonplace motifs such as champagne, soap or LPs. Here the shiny sound carriers fly through the air, reminding us of the vibrant music scene of the 1960s, when rock ’n‘ roll and beat began to take over the Federal Republic of Germany. The artist carried out the drawing on cheap office paper using an ordinary ballpoint pen of the kind used in everyday life but not, at that time, for artworks.

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