View of the Campagna Romana from the Via Appia, Jakob Philipp Hackert
Jakob Philipp Hackert
View of the Campagna Romana from the Via Appia
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Jakob Philipp Hackert: Rom von der Via Appia, 1796, Öl auf Leinwand, 120 x 170 cm. Freies Deutsches Hochstift Frankfurter Goethe-Museum, Frankfurt am Main

Jakob Philipp Hackert

View of the Campagna Romana from the Via Appia, ca. 1775

505 x 663 mm
Physical Description
Grey and brown ink as well as watercolour over pencil (traces) on ribbed laid paper
Inventory Number
Object Number
5388 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Acquisition

We unfortunately know as little about the background of the donation as we do about the donor, G. Hoppe. However, in the inventory entry and in the administration report from 21 January 1864, his name is always listed together with his official title: "Legation Secretary" or "Legation Official". So as far as we know, Mr. Hoppe was employed in the Foreign Service.

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