Woman Holding a Basket of Fruits, Johann Ulrich Mayr
Johann Ulrich Mayr
Woman Holding a Basket of Fruits
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Johann Ulrich Mayr

Woman Holding a Basket of Fruits, 1663 – 1670

84 x 70 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1938
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 18


About the Work

He was destined for art from the cradle: Johann Ulrich Mayr, son of an Augsburg woman painter, trained first with Rembrandt in Amsterdam and later in Antwerp with Jacob Jordaens. Returning to his native city in southern Germany, he became one of the leading masters there. The basket of fruit and the leaves ornamenting her hair put this anonymous beauty on the same footing as Flora or Ceres, the goddesses of fruitfulness and bounty. The red cloak enhances the appeal of this truly eye-catching young woman with the pearl earring – and yet she seems absorbed in her own thoughts.

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