Young Girl with a Cigarette (Nele van de Velde), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Young Girl with a Cigarette (Nele van de Velde)
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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Young Girl with a Cigarette (Nele van de Velde), 1918

506 x 389 mm
426 x 303 mm
Physical Description
Woodcut on blotting cardboard 2nd state (of 2)
Inventory Number
SG 3220
Object Number
SG 3220 D
Acquired in 1954
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

Nele (1897–1965), the daughter of Henry van de Velde, was Kirchner’s only pupil. Here he portrayed the young woman in all her vulnerability, haggard and disillusioned. The likeness is one of the series of strongly individualized portrait woodcuts the artist executed after his physical and mental breakdown during World War I. The architect Henry van de Velde (1863–1957) had arranged for the artist to be admitted to a sanatorium in Kreuzlingen on Lake Constance. It was there that, in addition to the portrait of Nele, he also executed the “Head of a Sick Man” (Städel Museum, 65611), a self-portrait.

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