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Peter Flötner

Wood sculptor (male), Sculptor (male), Draughtsman, Designer (male), Block-cutter, Commercial artist (male), Lapidary, gem cutter (male), Modeller (male), Plaque artist, Medallist and Artisan (male)

ca. 1485 / 1490 in Thurgau
1546 in Nuremberg

One Work by Peter Flötner


Nothing is known about Flötner's training. Between 1515 and 1518, he worked in Augsburg in Hans Daucher's workshop, which was at the time engaged in the sculptural decoration of the Fugger Chapel in the Church of St Anne. After a presumed trip to Italy, Flötner first settled in Ansbach, and finally in 1522 in Nuremberg, where he was awarded citizenship in 1523. In Nuremberg he worked on the decoration of such imposing structures as the city hall, the Hirschvogelhaus, and the Tucher Palais (all destroyed in 1945). Flötner's works are characterised by Italian Renaissance ornaments, especially grotesques. These were widely disseminated in Germany through his highly sought-after engravings of ornaments. As a medallist, he numbers among the early German masters.