Allegory of "Benifico", Paolo Veronese
Paolo Veronese
Allegory of "Benifico"
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Paolo Veronese

Allegory of "Benifico", ca. 1550 – 1560

276 x 202 mm
Physical Description
Brush in grey-brown, highlighted with white, traces of blue colour on the pedestal and the left hand, framing line in black on all sides, on laid paper primed in green
Inventory Number
Object Number
457 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

According to an original inscription on the back, this drawing is an allegory of charity. It belongs to a cycle of drawings of female allegories, a particularly popular motif for the decoration of Venetian villa interiors. Usually incorporated in a moral-theological pictorial programme, they were intended as an appeal to virtuous conduct in the Christian sense. In view of this work’s manner of execution, however, it can hardly have served as a mere preliminary study. Rather, brush drawings of this kind were collected by the educated nobility as independent artworks and bound into books to serve as a basis for scholarly discussion.

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