Christ and the Samaritan Woman (The White Flower Bouquet), Odilon Redon
Odilon Redon
Christ and the Samaritan Woman (The White Flower Bouquet)
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Odilon Redon

Christ and the Samaritan Woman (The White Flower Bouquet), ca. 1895

64.8 x 50 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
SG 1198
Acquired in 1960
On display, 1st upper level, Modern Art, room 6


About the Work

There's no well in sight as far as the eye can see. Redon has transformed the place where, according to the Bible story, Christ met the Samaritan woman into a space full of colour. Both figures have turned towards a gleaming white bouquet of flowers: is the water of eternal life which Jesus describes to the woman a sign of spiritual enlightenment? The viewer senses the dreamlike event rather than comprehend it. After a "black" phase lasting until the early 1890s and during which Redon devoted himself exclusively to graphical works, the internalised, often mystic pictorial worlds of the Symbolist artist demonstrate an intense and seemingly weightless colourfulness.


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