Dresden Neustadt with a View Towards the North, copy after Bernardo Bellotto
Bernardo Bellotto
Dresden Neustadt with a View Towards the North
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Bernardo Bellotto: Der Neustädter Markt in Dresden, 1750/51, Öl auf Leinwand, 134 x 236 cm, Inv.-Nr. Gal. - Nr. 612, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

copy afterBernardo Bellotto

Dresden Neustadt with a View Towards the North, after 1750

94.2 x 124.5 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1910
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 19


About the Work

Bernardo Bellotto studied under his uncle Giovanni Antonio Canal (called Canaletto) and adopted not only his moniker but also his preference for painting vedute. Unlike his uncle, however, the well-travelled Bellotto became known less for his views of Italian cities than for his vedute of Dresden, Munich, Vienna and Warsaw. At first glance, this contemporary copy of a view of Dresden’s Neustadt looks the same as the original. On closer inspection, however, various alterations catch the eye: not only is the view more tightly framed, but the details of the market scene, the groups of figures and stalls also differ from the Dresden original.

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